Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's all about having fun

It is not uncommon for me to say, on parting, “You have fun.” It’s a habit and I mean it too.

Sometimes people assure me that they will. Other times, however, the response is disappointing. All too many people say something like, “I will when I get off from here.” That makes me very sad for them.

My friends, I have a policy. If I’m not having fun, I’m gonna do something different. If circumstances require that I continue on with what I’m doing, then I shall simply find a way to make it fun.

It is very rare that I cannot find fun where and when I am at the time. When I was attacked by that deer, there was a short period as I rolled and slid across the pavement, screaming in blue and yellow and red pain, during which I was not having fun. The rest of the thing, despite the pain, had an element of fun to it.

First there was the business of being on my back in the ditch in the middle of the night, knowing that someone would eventually see me and call 911. An ambulance, probably two, and a bunch of lawmen would come. And I would then become a patient rather than the paramedic in charge. These would all be people of my acquaintance. People with whom I had worked. Some of them would have worked under my supervision.

The situation promised a number of opportunities for fun – mostly, of course, at my expense.

And so it proved.

The first part was when they cut my clothes off. Surely, if you are an adult, you are aware that, as a patient, you are not allowed to retain the slightest modicum of dignity. But at least you can joke about it and joking’s fun if the other folks will cooperate.

Then we got to the hospital. They checked me out and finally admitted me and sent me to a room upstairs. Oh dear, it’s going to get boring now. Surely there’s an opportunity for some form of enjoyment.

Aha, a knock on the door. In comes the person who owns all rights and title to my heart. I have no idea to this day how she found out about my accident – but she did. And there she was. Well, did we have fun or did we whine and cry and moan? But then she had to leave so I took a nap.

After some time had passed, an old friend came to give me a ride home. The catch here is that we had become estranged and had been so for some years. Riding in his truck for an hour while visiting and chatting and reestablishing our friendship was a wonderful lot of fun.

So far it’s been six months of intense doctoring and physical therapy, surgeries and procedures. But, it’s also been new people and countless opportunities to have fun.

Yesterday a waitress complained that she was going to have to work a twelve-hour shift and she was not real happy about it. I suggested that she really study each customer on whom she waited and figure out what kind of animal they were inside their person costume.

Next trick, when that gets old, picture them naked, trying to sneak out without paying.

Then I explained to her about smiling. It is easier for people to like you if you smile. If you continue to smile, they may start doing it too. You may decide to like each other, and turn your smiles into laughter. Is that fun, or what?

You know, the Bible isn’t a bad place to turn for guidance in human affairs. Let’s see what it says about having fun. I shall search for the phrase “a merry heart”

Proverbs 15:13 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Proverbs 15:15 All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

There. Just some examples. Why would you possibly want your spirit to be broken? Or to be afflicted with evil? Or to have your bones dry up?

Not me. I’ll take a merry heart any day.

Dear friends, there ain’t no reason to not be happy, come what may. You’ll realize this if you live long enough. Ain’t no need to not have fun. It just takes imagination and determination. Ain’t no reason not to smile. It will brighten your whole life. Really. Next time you’re feeling down, try smiling.

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