Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What will a Romney Presidency look like?

Exactly what will a Romney presidency look like?

Folks, if one steps back and considers the thing without built in bias and paying no attention to all the hoopla, the picture becomes quite clear and sharp.

First, while he seems quite a nice man, he is not the sort to be especially proactive. I think he will honor most of the promises he made – sort of. And then I suspect he will sit back and respond to events.

Clearly he will have to address Obamacare and I believe he will so do – but not just willy-nilly, whack it with a hammer and go on. No, I suspect he will more modify than repeal. Remember, there's a lot of “feel good” stuff in there that really doesn't do anything. An example is the business of having insurance cover preexisting conditions. There's really no reason to repeal that – the market will take care of it.

You find out that you have cancer. You go straight to your insurance agent. He checks with the company and tells you they will be happy to cover you. No problem. The premium will be $25,000 a week. I'm pretty sure you'll find that's how it works under Obamacare. Why change it. The whole purpose is to be able to say “We forced the evil insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions” and Romney can leave it alone and claim “We were able to keep the preexisting conditions clause.”

No, it may not be all that simple, but that's the way it has to be. Somebody has to pay.

And there are lots of other things in there like that. He can leave a lot to mollify the Democrats, and repeal a lot to satisfy Republicans. None of this is a real problem.

The mandates? Whack them suckers. The fines? Whack 'em. Kids staying on their parent's programs? What's the big deal? You want your kid on there? Fine. Here's how much the premium will be. Will that be cash or credit card? What's the problem?

The economy? He will okay the Keystone pipeline in its entirety. Further, he will allow such drilling as is safe and increase the oversight of that drilling. Coal? Bring it on – just clean it up the best you can. Natural gas? No problem. Ethanol? Oops. No subsidies. You want to do it, do it.

I think that pretty much covers it so now we come to this. What will his presidency be like.

Two things. If you will look dispassionately at what he will do as President, I think you will find out that he will not do that much. Why should he? Let congress do it.

BUT – if you want to see his presidency the way the people and the world will see it, you will see the biggest boom this country has ever experienced.


Yes. A massive monster BOOM.

And why? Not because of Romney being elected. No. Because Obama will be gone, along with all his czars and cronies.

Look, here's the deal. American business is not growing in the U.S.
What they are doing is taking in such profits as they are able to make without U.S. expansion and investing them in emerging, vibrant, hungry markets overseas. Folks overseas are getting American jobs, earning American money and spendng it on American products. This is not a problem, it's a good thing – but – the problem is that there are not new jobs being created here.

Part of that will be corrected by turning the fossil fuel folk free. And a huge amount will be corrected by cleaning up Obamacare. And calming down the regulators will do a lot. Do we really need the federal government dictating that our children must eat a salad instead of meat? And making it against the rules for them to bring food to school? Do we need to require a $100,000 environmental study before a hospital is allowed to repaint the inside of their building? Okay, I made that last one up – but I'm sure you take my point.

We don't need all these new Czars. What we need is a U.S. Department of Common Sense that every new reg must go through. And that department should have an unlimited budget for paper shredders.

Okay, back to the coming boom. Let's talk about unemployment. Friends, if you are too sorry to work, you can get unemployment for TWO YEARS so that you can watch TV in your bathrobe and fish and hunt. In the meantime, employers all over this country have jobs that they can't fill because the work force doesn't have to work.

Stop it. It's just that simple. Twenty-six weeks and you have to apply somewhere four times a day to get that. If you are offered a job and turn it down, sorry, you're out of here. Oh, you don't want anything where you have to work on Thursdays? And you don't want anything where you might get grease on your shirt? Hey, I hate it for you.

Job training programs. Yes. But not from the government. That should be a function of the private industries that want to hire the people. You want machinists? Great. Hire people with a talent in that area, pay them what they're worth and teach them how to be machinist helpers. When they learn the trade, they'll be worth a whole lot more and will be paid accordingly.

American business is chomping at the bit to do business in America. Get out of the way and let them do it. I suspect that Ryan will be put in charge of getting the government out of the way – and suspect that American business will start expanding the day a new president takes the oath of office. Romney? Fine. Ron Paul? Even better. Me? Yeah, that'll work. And what do the three of us have in common? None of us are Obama.

That my friends is what they're waiting for. They're not waiting for Romney to move in, they're waiting for Obama to move out.

And what about housing?

Friend, housing will take care of itself. You put people back to work and a wave of activity will start. People who are living on the street will move into campers. People who live in campers will move into trailers. People who live in trailers will move into houses. And people who live in houses will move to bigger, better houses. WHEE.

Wait, we need one thing. And the incoming president, no matter who he is, will be required (by the prople) to do it. Let the lending institutions loan money only to those who will be able to pay it back. In other words, again, GET OUT OF THE WAY.

Dear heart, I'm talking about a return to the 50's but with big-screen TV's and high-speed facebook.

And what does it take to get all this? Just vote Obama out. It's really just that simple.